Our Mission

De3 Inc. is a company utilizing artificial intelligence algorithms that detect all types of matter in real time accurately. We have developed a patent-pending automated and manual liquid tube machine learning application that detects pathogens, viruses, allergens, fungi, biological germs, and contaminants (“matter”).

Ask us about our overview and investment opportunities.

Automated Matter Detection

Our Automated Biosensing Imaging System ("ABIS") collects all types of matter for medical, environmental, and military applications. Users can utilize manual or automated applications such as drones and robots with our Universal Multipurpose Matter Detection Application ("UMMDA"), which is connected to the cloud, to use specific detection algorithms. Using collection methods such as a magnetized wand, all types of matter can be deposited into an open receptacle connected to the UMMDA. The automated algorithms, combined with the hardware applications, detect the matter through any of our application models.

We are an artifial intelligence company with a team of environmentally conscious individuals who want a cleaner and safer environment, free from pollution, contaminants, harsh and toxic chemicals, and outbreaks. We are passionate about creating a healthy and thriving planet for all its inhabitants.

Our goal is to use AI to identify and detect pathogens in real-time and to protect the environment and save lives.

We are continuously striving to reduce our carbon footprint, using non-toxic technologies, and reversing pollution in the environment. We strive to include those goals into our products and business practices.


AI Detection Process








June 25, 2024 - PCT application filed for the handheld expanded matter detection device with updated algorithms.

June 21, 2024 - New scanning and detection AI/ML application for livestock developed.

June 5, 2024 - International UMMDA PCT patent filings has commenced.

May 23, 2024 - Automated Biosensing Imaging System “ABIS” key developed to safeguard data stored in the cloud. The data base image technology will remain as a trade secret. Training and forecasting of new UMMDA data will be easier to index and summon for database clients.

May 21, 2024 - Blueprinting commenced for the new liquid tube using 3-D printers.

May 20, 2024 - Replaceable Cartridge with Handheld Matter Detection Diagnostic unit filed with USPTO including updated Automated Biosensing Imaging System “ABIS” machine learning algorithms with “Cluster Image” technology and database algorithms.

After two years of development, the new application utilizes a smaller handheld unit with a cartridge that can be cleaned for environmental applications or replaced when used for medical diagnostics. The new device can be used manually whereby a veterinarian or medical professional can deposit bodily fluids into the receptacle for specific matter detection or on the high-end automated version, drones and robots can obtain sputum, blood, stool, urine, or hair and deposit into the UMMDA receptacle for testing of abnormal cells. The user interface allows for the device to be dialed up or dialed down for accuracy.

All ABIS matter is used to compile “a patient data file” in the ABIS cloud for learning against other patient files and forecasting events. The data will be licensed to regulatory bodies or medical facilities.